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A favourite way is to have white sage incense and hold the crystal in the smoke or waft over the crystal – this is my regular method for crystals within my house it has the added bonus of helping to cleanse the room as well. You can bury the crystal in the garden for at least 24hrs – this is good to cleanse and recharge with a strong earth connection.
Alternatively if you’ve no garden get a bucket with sandy soil and some small fragments of crystal if possible and bury the crystals in there for 24hrs kept in view of the sun and moon. For a lighter and regular cleanse, acquire a largish amethyst (clear quartz will suffice) cluster and place the crystal on that for 24hrs preferably in view of the sun and moon.
In 1993 a person wishing to remain anonymous donated a large crystal skull to the Smithsonian Institue in Washington, the skull was alleged to be cursed. There are few if any archaeological records regarding these skulls however many people believe them to have originated from central america, the Mayan, Aztecs, Mixtecs etc... this does add meaning to the Atlantean theory of the indigeous tribes taking care of them. Although some think that the high quality of the carving etc was superior to what ancient civilisations could perform however I really don't think we can under estimate the 'ancients' abilities for one moment. Anna Mitchell-Hedges owns a gorgeous very clear crystal skull which is anatomically corrrect and even has a detachable jaw bone. This skull was found by her and her step-father (an explorer) when in Belize at the site of Lubaantun a Mayan temple in ruin. Anna has loaned the skull to several experts for examination and it's been found to show no tool/carving marks at all! The maker remain a mystery, it was determined by Hewlett Packard that the type of quartz the skull is composed of is of the same quality used today within the electronics industry - silicon chips etc...
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Revised: August 10, 2008.