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There are lots of relaxing, stimulating, meditative, spiritual tracks available, but which are the good ones ...? the cds listed here are recommended by myself and friends and should provide nourishing sounds for body & soul and a multitude of experiences.

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Yungchen Lhamo

,"Tibet Tibet" - hauntingly wonderful, amazing voice and sound.

"Coming Home" - again another brilliant example of tibetan music.

"Tibetan Chants, Buddhist Meditation "

"Tibetan Incantation"

"Sacred Spirit" - A collection of Native American chants and dances, titles include 'Winter Ceremony', 'Heal the soul'.

"Canyon Trilogy: Native American Flute Music "

"How The West Was Lost" - soundtrack from a tv series great native american tracks

"raindance" - More Native American sounds for making the rain fall!

"Sacred Spirit Drums "

"Drums Of A Nation" - for serious drum fans.

"spiritlands" very restful and relaxing.

"return to spiritlands" - your out in the forest with these cd's!!!


"Gaia" Kitaro

Dreamcatcher - A great CD recorded around the world from the Maisa Mara - Tibet - Malvern Hills incorporating ethic music.

"Sacres Spirit2" - Another difficult to describe CD incorporating ethic music around the world brilliantly mixed.

"yidaki" is the best didjeridu album I've heard to date is where to get it via the internet eludes me at the moment but I had to mention it, the player has a number of didjeridu's made from different woods all with very different sounds - amazing.

"tibetan chakra meditations" is another incredible CD it contains 15 tracks, 73 mins to lose yourself and work on your chakras at home.

CONTACT ME if you want more information re: these cd's and more.

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